Thursday 9 December 2010


Setting out a few rules for our Lottery project proposal.

- Exploring chance/luck - Using this a new unique way of exposing ourselves as designers.

- Using our remaining exhibition funds, the small amount, no use to any of us individually but valuable collectively.

- Picking a specific day based around luck/chance/fortuity.
Although england doesn't really have much fortuitous numbers in a way of Numerology.

- We have enough research before doing the draw to have a substantial publication worth printing, and hopefully worth reading. - We sell each one for a pound?

- Picking the numbers. We will draw for the draw. Picked at random from a hat.
We have the numbers 1-49 to play with and 150 times to chance the right combination of those.

- We will document this entire process - through film ( to then be edited for showing )
- through image, written documentation, interviews.

- Potential winnings - Quality of documentation will be reflected by how much/little is won.

- Gamble all $150 in one night.

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